Housing Choice Voucher Program
Section 8
The Hancock Housing Commission issues and administers the Housing Choice Voucher Program (which is also known as the Section 8 Rental Assistance Program) in the Houghton County area. The housing choice voucher (HCV) program is the federal government's primary program for assisting low-income families, the elderly, and persons with disabilities to afford decent, safe, and sanitary housing in the private market. Since housing assistance is provided on behalf of the HCV tenant, participants are able to find their own housing, including single-family homes, townhouses and apartments. Housing choice vouchers are administered locally by public housing agencies (PHAs) that receive federal funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). This means that the tenant, landlord and PHA all have obligations and responsibilities under the HCV program.
Tenant Information
Individuals or households in this
program pay the portion of rent and
utilities not covered by the
voucher-typically 30 to 40 percent of
monthly income.
If you are
considering the Section 8 Housing Choice
Voucher program, keep the following in
Tenant must comply with the lease, and landlord/tenant laws.
Make payments for rent when due.
Make utility payments, if any, when due.
Take appropriate care of the rental property.
Respect the rights of others.
Contact HHC for instructions if wanting to move before the lease expires.
Permit annual inspections to ensure property is in good condition to ensure it meets HUD's Housing Quality Standards.
Re-certify every year to continue participating in the program.
Immediately report any changes in family composition or income.
Individuals or households receiving a rental assistance voucher must sign a lease for a minimum of one year with the Landlord. Additionally, rental housing must meet the following two requirements:
The total cost of rent plus utilities must be within subsidy standards.
The house/apartment must be in decent, safe, and sanitary condition.
HHC will inspect the unit to ensure it
meets HUD's Housing Quality Standards
initially to qualify and yearly
The waiting list for
the Housing Choice Voucher is currently
open and we are accepting applications.
How To Apply
In order to receive a voucher, you must first get on the waiting list by completing our housing application.
Applications can be returned to any of our offices in person, by email or electronic portal (if available to your locality). If the application is submitted via email or electronic portal, an e signature is considered valid.
Once the applicant reaches the top of the waiting list , the Housing Commission staff will set up a time to interview the applicant and explain the how the program works, as well as the application, verification and screening process.
Landlord Information
Are you interested in becoming a Housing
Choice Voucher Landlord? Here is some
general information on how the program
HUD provides funds to allow Public
Housing Authority's (PHA'S) to make
housing assistance payments on behalf of
the HCV tenants. HUD also pays the PHA a
fee for the costs of administering the
program. HUD monitors PHA administration
of the program to ensure program rules
are properly followed.
Public Housing Agency
administers the HCV program locally and
provides the HCV tenant with the housing
assistance. The PHA must examine the
tenant's income, household composition
and ensure that their housing unit meets
minimum housing quality standards. The
PHA enters into a contract with the
landlord to provide housing assistance
payments on behalf of the family.
The role of the landlord
in the HCV program is to provide decent,
safe, and sanitary housing to a tenant
at a reasonable rent. The dwelling unit
must pass the program's housing quality
standards and be maintained up to those
standards as long as the owner receives
housing assistance payments. The
Landlord enters into a lease agreement
with the tenant.
When a
tenant selects a housing unit, they are
expected to comply with the lease and
the program requirements, pay their
share of rent on time, maintain the unit
in good condition and notify the PHA of
any changes in income or family
composition. Rent: The PHA determines a
payment standard that is between 90% and
110% of the Fair Market Rents regularly
published by HUD representing the cost
to rent a moderately-priced dwelling
unit in the local housing market. The
housing voucher tenant must pay 30% of
its monthly adjusted gross income for
rent and utilities, and if the unit rent
is greater than the payment standard,
the tenant required to pay the
additional amount